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Padilla Doors Tag

HomePosts tagged "Padilla Doors"

Más de 200 personas estuvieron presentes en la entrega de la III edición de los premios Murcia Diario. La gala fué celebrada en el hotel Nelva el 25 de noviembre en la que la empresa Puertas Padilla fue distinguida con el Premio MD a la Internacionalización por su destacada trayectoria en el mercado global. Entre los asistentes se encontraba lo más granado del tejido económico y empresarial de la Región, como Miguel Ángel Miralles González-Conde, vicepresidente primero de la Asamblea Regional; Marcos Ortuño, consejero de Presidencia; Marisa López, consejera de Empresa; Sara Rubira, consejera de Agricultura; Joaquín Gómez, director el Info; José Guillén, teniente de alcalde de Murcia; Miguel López Abad y Ramón Avilés, presidente y secretario general de CROEM, respectivamente; Ana Correa, presidenta de COEC; Miriam Fuertes, presidenta de la Cámara de Murcia; y José María Gómez Fuster, director de la Autoridad Portuaria de Cartagena, entre otros. El

Why Are Fire Doors Important? Doors play a fundamental role in fire safety within buildings. They are key elements in preventing the spread of fire, smoke, and toxic gases from one area to another, allowing safe evacuation and minimizing fire-related damage. Here are some features that highlight the value of high-quality doors in fire safety: #Compartmentalization: Fire-rated doors are used to create compartments and divisions within a building. These compartments help limit the spread of fire, delaying its progression and providing extra time for affected individuals to evacuate and for firefighters to intervene. #Fire Resistance: Fire-rated doors are designed to withstand fire for a specified period. These doors are made with fire-resistant materials and feature intumescent seals that expand with heat to close gaps and prevent fire from spreading. #Protection Against Smoke and Toxic Gases: Fire-rated doors also help contain smoke and harmful gases generated during a fire. Smoke can

Thanks to Fundación ONCE and Padilla Doors, at the Mª Isabel Bayonas - RAMIB day care center and residence, the wooden doors have been replaced by fireproof sheet metal doors. Thanks to this, its residents now have a safer center, with quieter therapeutic spaces. original source: @ApnaAutismo.